With art being so important in our family, I want to instill that love in my children as well. My daughter is a budding artist, taking classes at a local studio. She's pretty good and I can't wait to see what will become of her. My son, well, he's a boy. Although I promote art, he has little interest in the subject. He's starting to draw a bit, moving from scribbles to recognizable shapes. Occasionally he'll paint, but for the most part he'd rather be climbing trees then enjoying fine art time with mommy.
Which brings me back to It's Playtime. Two posts last week stood out for me. There are ways to introduce famous artists and art concepts to little kids without going over board. I felt these posts did a terrific job of just that...
Sunnydaytodaymama shared Jackson Pollock for Children. Kids can easily relate to Jackson Pollock
Another way to create abstract art as well as teaching children about opening up to themselves and their feelings is through Soundscapes. The Art Club Blog shared how playing different types of music for children can inspire different paintings. Even with little children, try playing some classical music and ask them to paint/draw what it sounds like. You may be surprised with that they produce.
How have you introduced art and/or artists to young children? What concepts do you teach?
If you were featured this week, don't forget to grab your special "featured button."

Now, on to this weeks play date!
It's Playtime is a community and Thursday link-up hosted by:
* Rachele : Messy Kids (That's me!)
* Anna : The Imagination Tree
* Rachel : Quirky Momma
* Jamie : hands on : as we grow
* Jenny : Let the Children Play
* Anna : The Imagination Tree
* Rachel : Quirky Momma
* Jamie : hands on : as we grow
* Jenny : Let the Children Play
How to Play :
* Link up a post about a playful learning experience enjoyed by kids.
* Give us love and pop a button into your post/blog. Invite your readers to the weekly play date!
Thanks so much for featuring our Jackson Pollock painting! :)