My friend and one of the It's Playtime co-hostesses, Jamie of hands on: as we grow, has put together a great series called Raising Kids is Tough. She has gathered a list of experts available to answer questions regarding eating habits, unwanted behaviors, social skills, and more. What you need to do is follow her link and ask your questions. Each month she'll choose 5 questions of a specific topic for the experts to answer. The topic each month will be based on your questions and what people want to know. Additional, topic related questions, will be asked via the hands on: as we grow facebook fan page for the experts, as well as the fans, to answer.
I encourage you to visit and ask your tough questions regarding child rearing. It's true what they say, "It takes a whole village to raise a child." These experts and the facebook community are part of your village and are here to help!
Thank you Rachele. I truly appreciate it. Some great questions have been asked. This month of Eating Battles has been awesome and I can't wait to see what the experts have to say next month!