If you don't have TP laying around the house, well then, you're in more trouble then entertaining a bored preschooler. Mess for Less shares their towering math game brought to you by Charmin
How about Q-tips
Ok, after looking over this post, I swear I didn't share these two play ideas just to promote my Amazon account. I really didn't! But if you really want to buy a colander, well then, by all means, you should! If you don't have TP, then I suggest running to the store because you shouldn't wait two days for Amazon to ship it to you.
If you were featured this week, don't forget to grab your special "featured button."

Now, on to this weeks play date!
It's Playtime is a community and Thursday link-up hosted by:
* Rachele : Messy Kids (That's me!)
* Rachel & Holly : Quirky Momma
* Jenny : Let the Children Play
* Rachel & Holly : Quirky Momma
* Jenny : Let the Children Play
How to Play :
* Link up a post about a playful learning experience enjoyed by kids.
* Give us love and pop a button into your post/blog. Invite your readers to the weekly play date!